Exercises/ Physical training


  1. Back drawing
    Aim: Team building, creating physical touch and energizer, competition
    Duration: 10-15 mins.
    Description: 2 groups of equal number, 2 rows facing the same direction behind one and other, the last people in the rows draw the same picture on the back of the person in front of them. The first people in the rows draw it to a piece of paper, the more similar wins.

    Carry the impulse
    Aim: Team building, creating physical touch and energizer, competition
    Duration: 10-15 mins.
    Description: Make 2 groups facing each other and holding hands. Trainer holds hands of 2 people in front of the rows and squeezes his hands, each person in the row squeezes the hand of the person next to him. Last in the row have to run and touch the trainer as soon as he/she feels the impulse/squeeze. The fastest wins.

    Catch the sound
    Aim: Communication without eye contact,
    team building, trust and responsibility
    Duration: 10 min.
    Description: Form pairs, each pair has to have a musical instrument, one of them is a leader and playing the instrument, one of them is listener and he/she is trying to follow the sound. Change the roles.

    Aim: Team building, cooperation, improve ability of copying.
    Duration: 10 min.
    Description: Form pairs facing each other, there is an imaginary mirror between them. One of them shows the moves, the other one is trying to copy his movement in the same time. Change the roles.

    Two snakes
    Aim: Team building, copying, warming up.
    Duration: 10-15 min.
    Description: 2 rows, the group copies the movement and the voice of the leader. On a clap change the leader, the last in the row will be the leader

  2. Mortal Kombat
    Aim: Warming up and how to copy other´s movement
    Duration: 10-15min.
    Description: 2 close groups, 2 different teams, 1 leader in front of the others, the leader makes an attack and his team copies his movement, the other leader is suffering an attack – his team copies it, then they are attacking. After 2-4 attacks change the leaders.

    Scuplture in circle
    Aim: Contact between people, cooperation, creativity
    Duration: 10-15min.
    Description: Circle, going inside one by one making one sculpture together by physical touch. After everybody joined, freeze for 5 sec. Then go back one by one to the circle.

    Aim: Team building, cooperation, creativity.
    Duration: 15-20 min.
    Description: Divide people to groups of 4-5, each group makes a machine, each person is part of this machine. Machine can be real or imaginary. Sound.

    Emotional meeting
    Aim: Understand the emotion, contact
    Duration: 10-15 min.
    Description: 2 rows facing each other to make pairs, space between them. Slow natural walk to your pair, one row stays, other walks. In the middle the trainer says an emotion point. The walker realizes this emotion increasing.

    Stop the story
    Aim: Creativity, improvisation, opening the imagination, lose the shyness
    Duration: 5-30 min.
    Description: Circle, 2 people in the middle starts a story/improvisation, on a clap and stop everybody can change someone in the middle and change the story according on his/her ideas.
