Welcome on the board of our training course "Let's play it back!" With this trainig we would like to give a method to youth workers who want to give a support to youth living on periphery (like young emigrants, Roma youth) through theatrical and self-knowledge elements.We introduce through this training how to handle frustration, low self- estimation or disappointment in a positive way. Our method contains theatrical methods, play back theatre methods, and self—knowledge elements.
Opening circle Aim: first introduction Duration: 5 minutes Description: 3 sentences about yourself (name etc.) Ice breakers Aim: to make a connection between us and the children Duration: 15 minutes - Eye contact Aim: to break the ice Duration: 10 minutes Description: the task was to keep eye contact for 3 seconds, 15 seconds and a minute - Greeting game Aim: breaking the barrier of touching each-other Duration: 5 minutes Description: saying "hi" in an unusual way with voice and touch Name game Aim: learn and remember each-other's names in a funny way Duration: 5 minutes Description: Everyone has to step in the circle and say his/her name by making a small gesture; after everybody has to copy by emphasizing the gesture and voice Sound game ("The sound swing") Aim: using your voice with all capacity; preparation for playback methods Duration: 5 minutes Description: game in pairs - one controls the voice of the other with his\her hand (up and down= high and low pitch, near or further= lower or higher volume) Movement game ("Hey, come after my hand!") Aim: to let yourself in control of your partner Duration: 5 minutes Description: playing in pairs, one leads the other with his/her hand Color game Aim: to let someone in your intimate social distance Duraton: 5 minutes Description: the leader of the game says a color and a body part and everyone has the task to find the color and touch it with the body part Catching game ("Little monkeys") Aim: to pay attention on the details in movements and voice when copying, to reach a higher level of energy Duration: 6,5 minutes Description: Someone has to do a movement combined with a sound and everyone has to copy him/her; then the person has to catch somebody else to do the same thing Balance game ("Life or death") Aim: raise the energy level, physical connection Duration: 3 minutes Description: game in pairs, one has to pull the other on his/her side Fighting game ("Spider attack") Aim: raise energy level, let children fight in a playful way Duration: 6,5 minutes Description: fighting in pairs on all fours, the task is to touch the other one on the back with your foot Sculpture preparation Aim: to prepare the children for the sculpture technique Duration: 40 minutes Description: - first everybody from the circle had to play an object determined by the previous one in the circle, after that we do the same thing with certain emotions - the next step is to do in pairs of three in the circle (first object then emotions) - the last step is to do it on a "stage" facing the audience and with musicians (we prepared a list of emotions that could have been played) Echo preparation Aim: to learn the echo method of playback theatre Duration: 40 minutes Description: - extend the sculpture group of three people with two others and make the form of the echo method - begin with small, middle, big gesture - after that we played emotions and conducted some stories Final summary (Feedback technique:"My hand is talking") Aim: to recieve feedback, reflextion time Duration: 30 minutes Description: The five fingers each represent a question everyone has to answer - the thumb - what did I like today? - the index finger (pointer) - what would I point out of today's work? - the middle finger - what did I not like today? - the ring finger - what was emotionally touching for me today? - the little finger (pinkie) - what do I need to work on; what is my weakness? And the last question is what I can take out from this day (the whole hand represents that question).
Participants of the group: 1. Petra Kovacs 2. Balazs Hajas 3. Đeni Macan 4. Krum Tashev 5. Timi Zvoncsar 6. Milena Konska
• Make bigger – name game (5 min.) • Everybody is standing in a circle, going to the middle one by one with normal natural walking and telling his/her name. Then everybody makes the movement bigger and repeats the name.
• Old lady – energizer and team building (15 min.) • Everybody is sitting on a chair randomly in the room. There is one free chair, and the person playing the old lady has to achieve that chair by slow walking. The role oft he other players is to prevent the old lady to take a sit.
• Ninja – energizer (10min.) • Everybody is standing in a circle. First every participant has to jump and find a „ninja-position“ with giving a voice. The aim oft he game is to touch with your hand the hand oft he person on your left with only one movement. The person on the left has to avoid the attack with only one movement and voice. If somebodys hand was touched by the other, that hand is out oft he game. We keep playing this game until everybody loses his/her hands.
• Klapping on the floor game - energizer (5 min.) • Sitting on the floor in a circle, putting hands on the floor crossed with the neighbours hands. We start to klapp the floor hand by hand in clockway. We keep klapping until somedy klapps twice that changes the direction of klapping. If somebody makes mistake he/she will lose the hand, so the game ends when all the hands are out. The rythm is also important.
• Toilet paper – ice breaker (20 min.) • „We have to go to the toilet“ but we have only one roll of paper. Everybody should take as many pieces as you need. In the second round everybody must tell as many information about him/herself as many pieces of paper she/he has.
• Human web – team building (10 min.) • We are standing in a circle, everybody closes the eyes and catches each others hands. Then open the eyes and try to unravel the human wep.
• Strong expresion of your favourite food – preparation for theater (5 min.) • Walking in the room, feeling the space, find the gaps. Try to find contact with the others, and shout the name of the favourite food in his/her own language.
• Music improvisation with kids – jamming (15 min.)
• Dancing and freezing game – energizer and preparation for the liquid sculpture – find the end for the sculpture, be frozen) (10 min.) • While jamming everybody starts to dance (alone or with each other) and when the music stops everybody should be frozen.
• Meeting and showing feelings – preparation for theater (5 min.) • Walking around the room, find contact with the others and express different feelings told by the leader oft he game - happiness, sadness, fear, curiosity, being surprised.
• Meeting with imaginary person – preparation for sculpture method (5 min.) • Standing in one line. Imagine one personi n fronto f you who you will meet – can be a loved or hated person as well. The aim is to move slowly toward the imaginary person with expressing feelings and making gestures at the end. It is not necessary to meet, it depends on the person. Finally everybody becomes frozen.
• Diamond – prepration for sculpture method (20 min.) • Standing in a circle, someone goes int he middle and show a position. The others – one by one – go to the middle too and join to the first person with another position. It is very important to connect and touch. Finally all the participants will create one big sculpture. At the end everybody goes back to the circle one by one.
• Sculpture method – feelings and moods (15 min.) • After the diamond game we start to learn the method of luquid scuplture. The difference is that int he liquid sculpture we keep on moving and giving voices until the last person find his/her position int he sculpture. The trainers present on sculpture to show the method in practice. Then collecting feelings from the participants and create scuplture for them. Trainers and participants work together.
• Complete stories (30 min.) • Finally we make sculpture for complex stories with different feelings. There is one story-teller and one game masters who help with questions to make the story complete and interpreted. The participants create a sculpture for the story. It is very important to have feedback from the story-teller – what did she/he get back from the others.
• Reflextion time (10 min.) • The aim is to close the workshop, discuss the happenings and get feedbacks.
1.Name games: Title: Name and movement Aim: introducing ourselves Duration: 3-4minutes Description: Everybody goes in the middle of circle and tells the name and makes a movement. Then the others copy the movement on the same time.
Title: Say hello Aim: introducing ourselves and beginning of a contact Duration: 2 minutes Description: Everybody is walking in the space and every time they meet somebody they stop to shake hands and say their name.
Title: Blanket game Aim: Get to know others people, create connection between the other people, create joyful atmosphere Duration: 5 minutes Description: We make two groups we hold one blanket in the middle, one person from each group is sitting in front of the other ,and when the blanket falls they have to say the name of the other person as fast as is possible.If somebody loses he/she has to join the other group.
Title: Touch and talk Aim: Make confident about physical contact with the other Duration: 8-10minutes Description: There is a outside circle and inside circle with the same number of people. They are pairs, one from the inside circle and one from the outside and they keep eye contact. Every time they need a touch with a specific part of body, and in the same time say some sentences about themselves in their own language .When they finish, partner changes.
2. Energizer games Title: Touch the colour Aim: Make contact with people and give energy. Duration: 5-10 minutes Description: People are walking in the space. When the moderator say colour and body part, people must touch somebody ,who is wearing something in this colour.
Title: Rabbit in the house Aim: Collaboration and react quickly Duration: 8-10minutes Description: We make groups of three people. In each group two of them pretend to be a house, while the other person stays inside and pretends to be a rabbit. One person is out of the groups and if he/she says: “Rabbit!” all the rabbits need to move and change their home; “House!” all the houses must change partner; “Storm!” roles change and everyone can be something different.
Title: Chairs game Aim: being fast and cooperate with the others Duration:10 minutes or more Description: Everybody is sitting on a chair in different places in the space. There is one spare chair, one person is not sitting and tries to reach this free space but the others always try to keep this place occupied moving from a chair to another.
3. Movement/emotion games Title: Follow the music Aim: Trust in the others and active your senses. Duration: 5-10 min Description: Everybody has got a pair and then one leader is make sounds with instrument, by mouth whatever and the other partner with closed eyes must follow the sounds.
Title: Animal train “Choo Choo” Aim: Preparation for the choir technique. Cooperation, Duration: 10 min Description: We make lines of 3 people, the first one imitates an animal with movements and sounds. The rest of the line must copy that in the same time.
Title: School of Fish Aim: Concentrate to the rhythmic, make an improvisation of dance movements. Duration: 10-15 min. Description: There are two groups. One group play music and the other dance. The members of the dance group are very close and doing the same movements.
Title: Fighting game Aim: Preparation for Choir technique. Duration: 10 min. Description: Two groups of 5 people minimum. They are standing in front of each other. Somebody from the group is making movements of a battle and the rest of the group must follow him. Leader make a movement, the rest of the group must copy this movement and then the other group answer with another movement.
4.Preparation Title: Mirror Game Aim: Trust in the other Duration: 5 min Description: There couples of two people. Standing face to face. One person leads the movements and the other partner must follow them. When instructor says: “Change!”, people must change the roles.
Title: Find the leader Aim: Improving your moving skills and collaboration. Duration: 10 min Description: One person leave the room and circle decides who is the leader. Leader start a movement, everybody follow him and the person who is way come into the room, stand in the middle of the circle and must find the leader.
Title: Meeting Aim: Trust your partner, concentrate on him and create a story. Duration: 15 min Description: We have two lines and each partner stand in front of the other. They need to keep eye contact and meet slowly halfway. Each person plays a role (Example: Apple meets a worm) but they don’t tell each other who plays who. 5.Performance: Choir technique One person tells a story and his/her feelings to the game master. Some actors are listening to the story and perform it. They all stay together with a strong physical contact as if they were one being. One of them starts with a repeated action and then all the other actors do the same. Then, each of them can give an impulse and start a new movement until the end of the story. Once the performance is finished, the game master asks the story teller if they represented his/her story and feelings well.
Name repetiton: Get to know each other 5-10 min. Circle, in order each person says his name and country. All the others are listening and then we start a chain. - The first person says his/her name and country again - The second person repeats the name and the country of the first person and says his name/country. - The third person repeats 2 names/countries before him/her and then he/she says his/her name/country, so the last person has to say all the names/countries all the people before him/her. Middle name: Get to know each other more 5-10 mins. Circle, a person goes inside the circle, and he/she says her/his name and does a gesture (better with the sound). Then he/she steps back and all the others go to the circle and immitate that behavior. Repeat with all the person etc. Ice breakers/energizers: Back drawing: Team building, creating physical touch and energizer, competition 10-15 mins. 2 groups of equal number, 2 rows facing the same direction behind one and other, the last people in the rows draw the same picture on the back of the person in front of them. The first people in the rows draw it to a piece of paper, the more similar wins.
Carry the impulse: Team building, creating physical touch and energizer, competition 10-15 mins. Make 2 groups facing each other and holding hands. Trainer holds hands of 2 people in front of the rows and squeezes his hands, each person in the row squeezes the hand of the person next to him. Last in the row have to run and touch the trainer as soon as he/she feels the impulse/squeeze. The fastest wins.
The garage and the car: Creating physical touch and energizer, reaction time 10-15 mins. Create groups of 3. 2 people hold hands up to make a garage, the 1 between them is a car. 1 person in the middle is not a car/garage, he is a leader who have to become garage or car. When leader says car – cars have to find a new garage – the garage doesn´t move, when garage – the garages have to find a new pair and car, the cars don´t move. When you say crash, everybody changes his place.
Movement games with emotions: Catch the sound: Communication without eye contact, team building, trust and responsibility 10 min. Form pairs, each pair has to have a musical instrument, one of them is a leader and playing the instrument, one of them is listener and he/she is trying to follow the sound. Change the roles.
Mirrors: Team building, cooperation, improve ability of copying. 10 min. Form pairs facing each other, there is an imaginary mirror between them. One of them shows the moves, the other one is trying to copy his movement in the same time. Change the roles.
2 snakes: Team building, copying, warming up. 10-15 min. 2 rows, the group copies the movement and the voice of the leader. On a clap change the leader, the last in the row will be the leader.
Mortal Kombat: Warming up and how to copy other´s movement 10-15min. 2 close groups, 2 different teams, 1 leader in front of the others, the leader makes an attack and his team copies his movement, the other leader is suffering an attack – his team copies it, then they are attacking. After 2-4 attacks change the leaders.
Scuplture in circle: Contact between people, cooperation, creativity 10-15min. Circle, going inside one by one making one sculpture together by physical touch. After everybody joined, freeze for 5 sec. Then go back one by one to the circle.
Machine: Team building, cooperation, creativity. 15-20 min. Divide people to groups of 4-5, each group makes a machine, each person is part of this machine. Machine can be real or imaginary. Sound.
Emotional meeting Understand the emotion, contact 10-15 min. 2 rows facing each other to make pairs, space between them. Slow natural walk to your pair, one row stays, other walks. In the middle the trainer says an emotion point. The walker realizes this emotion increasing.
Stop the story Creativity, improvisation, opening the imagination, lose the shyness 5-30 min. Circle, 2 people in the middle starts a story/improvisation, on a clap and stop everybody can change someone in the middle and change the story according on his/her ideas. Playback theatre methods:
Scuplture: Feelings, emotions, stories, knowing better ourself and each other 10 min. Group of 5-7 people standing close to each other in a row, a story teller from the audience shares a story/emotion. The group plays the story/emotion. They start in a row, somebody steps out makes a movement with sound, the next one goes and makes another movement etc. At the end the group have to find together the end.
Meeting: Understanding a situation, playing together with a partner 10 min. 2 rows facing each other to make pairs, space between them. Short story from the audience with meeting. Slow natural walk to your pair. Each person plays 1 character from the story without planning. They change their places. Eye contact till the end.
Echo: Understanding emotions with a story 10-15 min. Group of 5 in „V“. Story from the audience with 3 stages. The first person begins, next one copies with more intensity, the third one with even more. The second and the third stage are played in the same way. On the end of the movements they freeze.
Summary/Reflection: 5 fingers technique 15-30 min. Sitting in a circle, thumb – what you like, index finger – what you would like to point out, middle finger – what you didn´t like, ring finger – what you would like to put into or connect to your heart, small finger – weakness, what you would like to develop.
Arpi's group :-)
ReplyDeleteOpening circle
Aim: first introduction
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: 3 sentences about yourself (name etc.)
Ice breakers
Aim: to make a connection between us and the children
Duration: 15 minutes
- Eye contact
Aim: to break the ice
Duration: 10 minutes
Description: the task was to keep eye contact for 3 seconds, 15 seconds and a minute
- Greeting game
Aim: breaking the barrier of touching each-other
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: saying "hi" in an unusual way with voice and touch
Name game
Aim: learn and remember each-other's names in a funny way
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: Everyone has to step in the circle and say his/her name by making a small gesture; after everybody has to copy by emphasizing the gesture and voice
Sound game ("The sound swing")
Aim: using your voice with all capacity; preparation for playback methods
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: game in pairs - one controls the voice of the other with his\her hand (up and down= high and low pitch, near or further= lower or higher volume)
Movement game ("Hey, come after my hand!")
Aim: to let yourself in control of your partner
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: playing in pairs, one leads the other with his/her hand
Color game
Aim: to let someone in your intimate social distance
Duraton: 5 minutes
Description: the leader of the game says a color and a body part and everyone has the task to find the color and touch it with the body part
Catching game ("Little monkeys")
Aim: to pay attention on the details in movements and voice when copying, to reach a higher level of energy
Duration: 6,5 minutes
Description: Someone has to do a movement combined with a sound and everyone has to copy him/her; then the person has to catch somebody else to do the same thing
Balance game ("Life or death")
Aim: raise the energy level, physical connection
Duration: 3 minutes
Description: game in pairs, one has to pull the other on his/her side
Fighting game ("Spider attack")
Aim: raise energy level, let children fight in a playful way
Duration: 6,5 minutes
Description: fighting in pairs on all fours, the task is to touch the other one on the back with your foot
Sculpture preparation
Aim: to prepare the children for the sculpture technique
Duration: 40 minutes
Description: - first everybody from the circle had to play an object determined by the previous one in the circle, after that we do the same thing with certain emotions
- the next step is to do in pairs of three in the circle (first object then emotions)
- the last step is to do it on a "stage" facing the audience and with musicians (we prepared a list of emotions that could have been played)
Echo preparation
Aim: to learn the echo method of playback theatre
Duration: 40 minutes
Description: - extend the sculpture group of three people with two others and make the form of the echo method
- begin with small, middle, big gesture
- after that we played emotions and conducted some stories
Final summary (Feedback technique:"My hand is talking")
Aim: to recieve feedback, reflextion time
Duration: 30 minutes
Description: The five fingers each represent a question everyone has to answer
- the thumb - what did I like today?
- the index finger (pointer) - what would I point out of today's work?
- the middle finger - what did I not like today?
- the ring finger - what was emotionally touching for me today?
- the little finger (pinkie) - what do I need to work on; what is my weakness?
And the last question is what I can take out from this day (the whole hand represents that question).
Participants of the group:
ReplyDelete1. Petra Kovacs
2. Balazs Hajas
3. Đeni Macan
4. Krum Tashev
5. Timi Zvoncsar
6. Milena Konska
• Make bigger – name game (5 min.)
• Everybody is standing in a circle, going to the middle one by one with normal natural walking and telling his/her name. Then everybody makes the movement bigger and repeats the name.
• Old lady – energizer and team building (15 min.)
• Everybody is sitting on a chair randomly in the room. There is one free chair, and the person playing the old lady has to achieve that chair by slow walking. The role oft he other players is to prevent the old lady to take a sit.
• Ninja – energizer (10min.)
• Everybody is standing in a circle. First every participant has to jump and find a „ninja-position“ with giving a voice. The aim oft he game is to touch with your hand the hand oft he person on your left with only one movement. The person on the left has to avoid the attack with only one movement and voice. If somebodys hand was touched by the other, that hand is out oft he game. We keep playing this game until everybody loses his/her hands.
• Klapping on the floor game - energizer (5 min.)
• Sitting on the floor in a circle, putting hands on the floor crossed with the neighbours hands. We start to klapp the floor hand by hand in clockway. We keep klapping until somedy klapps twice that changes the direction of klapping. If somebody makes mistake he/she will lose the hand, so the game ends when all the hands are out. The rythm is also important.
• Toilet paper – ice breaker (20 min.)
• „We have to go to the toilet“ but we have only one roll of paper. Everybody should take as many pieces as you need. In the second round everybody must tell as many information about him/herself as many pieces of paper she/he has.
• Human web – team building (10 min.)
• We are standing in a circle, everybody closes the eyes and catches each others hands. Then open the eyes and try to unravel the human wep.
• Strong expresion of your favourite food – preparation for theater (5 min.)
• Walking in the room, feeling the space, find the gaps. Try to find contact with the others, and shout the name of the favourite food in his/her own language.
• Music improvisation with kids – jamming (15 min.)
ReplyDelete• Dancing and freezing game – energizer and preparation for the liquid sculpture – find the end for the sculpture, be frozen) (10 min.)
• While jamming everybody starts to dance (alone or with each other) and when the music stops everybody should be frozen.
• Meeting and showing feelings – preparation for theater (5 min.)
• Walking around the room, find contact with the others and express different feelings told by the leader oft he game - happiness, sadness, fear, curiosity, being surprised.
• Meeting with imaginary person – preparation for sculpture method (5 min.)
• Standing in one line. Imagine one personi n fronto f you who you will meet – can be a loved or hated person as well. The aim is to move slowly toward the imaginary person with expressing feelings and making gestures at the end. It is not necessary to meet, it depends on the person. Finally everybody becomes frozen.
• Diamond – prepration for sculpture method (20 min.)
• Standing in a circle, someone goes int he middle and show a position. The others – one by one – go to the middle too and join to the first person with another position. It is very important to connect and touch. Finally all the participants will create one big sculpture. At the end everybody goes back to the circle one by one.
• Sculpture method – feelings and moods (15 min.)
• After the diamond game we start to learn the method of luquid scuplture. The difference is that int he liquid sculpture we keep on moving and giving voices until the last person find his/her position int he sculpture. The trainers present on sculpture to show the method in practice.
Then collecting feelings from the participants and create scuplture for them. Trainers and participants work together.
• Complete stories (30 min.)
• Finally we make sculpture for complex stories with different feelings. There is one story-teller and one game masters who help with questions to make the story complete and interpreted. The participants create a sculpture for the story. It is very important to have feedback from the story-teller – what did she/he get back from the others.
• Reflextion time (10 min.)
• The aim is to close the workshop, discuss the happenings and get feedbacks.
Gabi’s group: list of exercises:
ReplyDelete1.Name games:
Title: Name and movement
Aim: introducing ourselves
Duration: 3-4minutes
Description: Everybody goes in the middle of circle and tells the name and makes a movement. Then the others copy the movement on the same time.
Title: Say hello
Aim: introducing ourselves and beginning of a contact
Duration: 2 minutes
Description: Everybody is walking in the space and every time they meet somebody they stop to shake hands and say their name.
Title: Blanket game
Aim: Get to know others people, create connection between the other people, create joyful atmosphere
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: We make two groups we hold one blanket in the middle, one person from each group is sitting in front of the other ,and when the blanket falls they have to say the name of the other person as fast as is possible.If somebody loses he/she has to join the other group.
Title: Touch and talk
Aim: Make confident about physical contact with the other
Duration: 8-10minutes
Description: There is a outside circle and inside circle with the same number of people. They are pairs, one from the inside circle and one from the outside and they keep eye contact. Every time they need a touch with a specific part of body, and in the same time say some sentences about themselves in their own language .When they finish, partner changes.
2. Energizer games
ReplyDeleteTitle: Touch the colour
Aim: Make contact with people and give energy.
Duration: 5-10 minutes
Description: People are walking in the space. When the moderator say colour and body part, people must touch somebody ,who is wearing something in this colour.
Title: Rabbit in the house
Aim: Collaboration and react quickly
Duration: 8-10minutes
Description: We make groups of three people. In each group two of them pretend to be a house, while the other person stays inside and pretends to be a rabbit. One person is out of the groups and if he/she says: “Rabbit!” all the rabbits need to move and change their home; “House!” all the houses must change partner; “Storm!” roles change and everyone can be something different.
Title: Chairs game
Aim: being fast and cooperate with the others
Duration:10 minutes or more
Description: Everybody is sitting on a chair in different places in the space. There is one spare chair, one person is not sitting and tries to reach this free space but the others always try to keep this place occupied moving from a chair to another.
3. Movement/emotion games
Title: Follow the music
Aim: Trust in the others and active your senses.
Duration: 5-10 min
Description: Everybody has got a pair and then one leader is make sounds with instrument, by mouth whatever and the other partner with closed eyes must follow the sounds.
Title: Animal train “Choo Choo”
Aim: Preparation for the choir technique. Cooperation,
Duration: 10 min
Description: We make lines of 3 people, the first one imitates an animal with movements and sounds. The rest of the line must copy that in the same time.
Title: School of Fish
Aim: Concentrate to the rhythmic, make an improvisation of dance movements.
Duration: 10-15 min.
Description: There are two groups. One group play music and the other dance. The members of the dance group are very close and doing the same movements.
Title: Fighting game
Aim: Preparation for Choir technique.
Duration: 10 min.
Description: Two groups of 5 people minimum. They are standing in front of each other. Somebody from the group is making movements of a battle and the rest of the group must follow him. Leader make a movement, the rest of the group must copy this movement and then the other group answer with another movement.
ReplyDeleteTitle: Mirror Game
Aim: Trust in the other
Duration: 5 min
Description: There couples of two people. Standing face to face. One person leads the movements and the other partner must follow them. When instructor says: “Change!”, people must change the roles.
Title: Find the leader
Aim: Improving your moving skills and collaboration.
Duration: 10 min
Description: One person leave the room and circle decides who is the leader. Leader start a movement, everybody follow him and the person who is way come into the room, stand in the middle of the circle and must find the leader.
Title: Meeting
Aim: Trust your partner, concentrate on him and create a story.
Duration: 15 min
Description: We have two lines and each partner stand in front of the other. They need to keep eye contact and meet slowly halfway. Each person plays a role (Example: Apple meets a worm) but they don’t tell each other who plays who.
5.Performance: Choir technique
One person tells a story and his/her feelings to the game master. Some actors are listening to the story and perform it. They all stay together with a strong physical contact as if they were one being. One of them starts with a repeated action and then all the other actors do the same. Then, each of them can give an impulse and start a new movement until the end of the story. Once the performance is finished, the game master asks the story teller if they represented his/her story and feelings well.
Brigi, Bade, Cristina, Eniko, Dimi, Petre, Tibi.
Name repetiton:
Get to know each other
5-10 min.
Circle, in order each person says his name and country. All the others are listening and then we start a chain.
- The first person says his/her name and country again
- The second person repeats the name and the country of the first person and says his name/country.
- The third person repeats 2 names/countries before him/her and then he/she says his/her name/country, so the last person has to say all the names/countries all the people before him/her.
Middle name:
Get to know each other more
5-10 mins.
Circle, a person goes inside the circle, and he/she says her/his name and does a gesture (better with the sound). Then he/she steps back and all the others go to the circle and immitate that behavior. Repeat with all the person etc.
Ice breakers/energizers:
Back drawing:
Team building, creating physical touch and energizer, competition
10-15 mins.
2 groups of equal number, 2 rows facing the same direction behind one and other, the last people in the rows draw the same picture on the back of the person in front of them. The first people in the rows draw it to a piece of paper, the more similar wins.
Carry the impulse:
Team building, creating physical touch and energizer, competition
10-15 mins.
Make 2 groups facing each other and holding hands. Trainer holds hands of 2 people in front of the rows and squeezes his hands, each person in the row squeezes the hand of the person next to him. Last in the row have to run and touch the trainer as soon as he/she feels the impulse/squeeze. The fastest wins.
The garage and the car:
Creating physical touch and energizer, reaction time
10-15 mins.
Create groups of 3. 2 people hold hands up to make a garage, the 1 between them is a car. 1 person in the middle is not a car/garage, he is a leader who have to become garage or car. When leader says car – cars have to find a new garage – the garage doesn´t move, when garage – the garages have to find a new pair and car, the cars don´t move. When you say crash, everybody changes his place.
Movement games with emotions:
Catch the sound:
Communication without eye contact, team building, trust and responsibility
10 min.
Form pairs, each pair has to have a musical instrument, one of them is a leader and playing the instrument, one of them is listener and he/she is trying to follow the sound. Change the roles.
Team building, cooperation, improve ability of copying.
10 min.
Form pairs facing each other, there is an imaginary mirror between them. One of them shows the moves, the other one is trying to copy his movement in the same time. Change the roles.
2 snakes:
Team building, copying, warming up.
10-15 min.
2 rows, the group copies the movement and the voice of the leader. On a clap change the leader, the last in the row will be the leader.
Preparation for playback theatre:
ReplyDeleteMortal Kombat:
Warming up and how to copy other´s movement
2 close groups, 2 different teams, 1 leader in front of the others, the leader makes an attack and his team copies his movement, the other leader is suffering an attack – his team copies it, then they are attacking. After 2-4 attacks change the leaders.
Scuplture in circle:
Contact between people, cooperation, creativity
Circle, going inside one by one making one sculpture together by physical touch. After everybody joined, freeze for 5 sec. Then go back one by one to the circle.
Team building, cooperation, creativity.
15-20 min.
Divide people to groups of 4-5, each group makes a machine, each person is part of this machine. Machine can be real or imaginary. Sound.
Emotional meeting
Understand the emotion, contact
10-15 min.
2 rows facing each other to make pairs, space between them. Slow natural walk to your pair, one row stays, other walks. In the middle the trainer says an emotion point. The walker realizes this emotion increasing.
Stop the story
Creativity, improvisation, opening the imagination, lose the shyness
5-30 min.
Circle, 2 people in the middle starts a story/improvisation, on a clap and stop everybody can change someone in the middle and change the story according on his/her ideas.
Playback theatre methods:
Feelings, emotions, stories, knowing better ourself and each other
10 min.
Group of 5-7 people standing close to each other in a row, a story teller from the audience shares a story/emotion. The group plays the story/emotion. They start in a row, somebody steps out makes a movement with sound, the next one goes and makes another movement etc. At the end the group have to find together the end.
Understanding a situation, playing together with a partner
10 min.
2 rows facing each other to make pairs, space between them. Short story from the audience with meeting. Slow natural walk to your pair. Each person plays 1 character from the story without planning. They change their places. Eye contact till the end.
Understanding emotions with a story
10-15 min.
Group of 5 in „V“. Story from the audience with 3 stages. The first person begins, next one copies with more intensity, the third one with even more. The second and the third stage are played in the same way. On the end of the movements they freeze.
5 fingers technique
15-30 min.
Sitting in a circle, thumb – what you like, index finger – what you would like to point out, middle finger – what you didn´t like, ring finger – what you would like to put into or connect to your heart, small finger – weakness, what you would like to develop.