Exercises/ Playback


  1. Name : The meeting
    Aim : preparation for playback theatre, working with emotions
    Duration : 10 minutes
    Description : 2 groups each group has the same number of people so each people has a partner. The groups stay in a row face to face so each pair must watch one to the other eye to eye. When the moderator say start every people must meet one to each other and to make a feeling which is said by the moderator. Examples of meetings: an apple with a worm, a cat with a mouse, a man with the sea and others.

  2. Name : The fighting
    Aim : Preparing for the playback theatre
    Duration : 10 - 15 minutes
    Description : 2 groups, each group has a leader. The leaders of each group are face to face. First make a fight movement. The group must copy the movement. The second group leader must make a hit movement, the others copy de movement. Each leader must make a number of 3 or 4 fight movements depend of the time. When the fight is end the groups must change the leader.

  3. Aim: Understand the feeling of others, express feelings, emotions storys
    Duration: 15 min
    Description: One person tells a story and his/her feelings to the game master. Some actors are listening to the story and perform it. They all stay together with a strong physical contact as if they were one being. One of them starts with a repeated action and then all the other actors do the same. Then, each of them can give an impulse and start a new movement until the end of the story. Once the performance is finished, the game master asks the story teller if they represented his/her story and feelings well.

  4. Scuplture
    Aim: Feelings, emotions, stories,
    knowing better ourself and each other
    Duration: 10 min.
    Description: Group of 5-7 people
    standing close to each other in a row,
    a story teller from the audience shares
    a story/emotion. The group plays
    the story/emotion. They start in a row,
    somebody steps out makes a movement
    with sound, the next one goes and makes another movement etc.
    At the end the group have to find together the end.
    Aim: Understanding a situation, playing together with a partner
    Duration: 10 min.
    Description: 2 rows facing each other to make pairs, space between them. Short story from the audience with meeting. Slow natural walk to your pair. Each person plays 1 character from the story without planning. They change their places. Eye contact till the end.

    Aim: Understanding emotions with a story
    Duration: 10-15 min.
    Description: Group of 5 in „V“. Story from the audience with 3 stages. The first person begins, next one copies with more intensity, the third one with even more. The second and the third stage are played in the same way. On the end of the movements they freeze.
